Seenigama Temple

Seenigama Temple Sri Lanka | Gleeam Pearl Tours

Seenigama Temple

Seenigama is a small village on the south-west coast close to Hikkaduwa, Sri Lanka’s most popular beach resort for coral reef snorkeling. The Seenigama temple is situated on a very small island. This Devale is dedicated to the local god Devol Deviyo, who protects fishermen and their boats. The Ramayana trail legend has it that Seenigama was the landing place from where Sugriva, king of the Varanas and leading their monkey armee, launched his onslaught on Ravana’s demon armee.

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The Ramayana is an ancient Hindu literary epic of India. This famous narrative poem speaks of the life of the divine prince Rama, the reincarnation of God Vishnu.

The story starts with Rama’s miraculous birth and shows his rise to become the crown prince and his betrothal to the beautiful princess Sita. However, Prince Rama is betrayed by his stepmother and leaves to enter the forest for 14 years of exile with his wife and loyal younger brother. But his wife, Sita, is kidnapped by the evil demonic (Asura) king, Ravana, and the poem continues in typical epic high fantasy fashion. With evil, war, magic, and romance.

Sounds like a any other piece of literature, right? Well here’s the thing. The legends say that it was not a story but complete truth, a recounting of history – even the fantastic parts with all the magic, demons, and wielding of power.

Ramayana states that King Ravana abducted Sita and flew with her on his Pushpaka Vimanam to a little island close to South India. Srilanka is the only such island, and here evidence of Ravana’s home base has been found. A strange bald, almost burnt, piece of land where nothing grows that is said to have been the landing pad of his Pushpaka Vimanam. A strange little hillock with a variety of unidentified and medicinal plants that don’t fit into the surrounding landscape, said to be piece of the legendary Meru mountain dropped off by Hanuman. The Ravana Ella waterfalls with the nearby hidden cave with ancient evidence of a prisoner having been held there. And much more.

Come and immerse yourself in the myths and legends that surround the magical island of Srilanka. A fantastic holiday awaits. Get more details about our custom made Tours below.